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Enable Haiti

Enable Haiti

Enable Haiti is the product of the good-will efforts and generous donations of the people of Windsor and Essex County and associated friends from beyond, who want to share their good fortune by assisting the people of Haiti. Enable Haiti aims to help the beautiful people of Haiti accomplish their pursuit of living happy, productive lives.

Throughout our work in Haiti, Enable Haiti has undertaken several projects. In addition to sending and hand-delivering countless containers full of food, clothing, shoes, medical supplies, water purification tablets, and toys for children, we have also taken under our wing an orphanage for children, built two schools in which children can learn to read and write, supplied a rehabilitation center and provided a hospital for severely mentally disabled children with food and industrial laundry machines in order to help keep pace with the children's need for full stomachs and clean linens.

Mission Statement: 

To empower the people of Haiti to improve their lives by providing necessary and immediate aid, assistance, and support specific to those who require it with the objective of self-sustainability.

Visit the Enable Haiti website for more information and how to donate.